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Our team

Our organization functions on a principle of participatory management, whereby major decisions are made as a team. This process ensures transparency as well as a spirit of collaboration and a shared focus and direction. Our team is made up of workers with a variety of professional backgrounds, who share a passion for the work, and for the continued growth and improvement of our services.

Board of Director 2019-2020

Claudia Baruch, president

Stéphane Beaulieu, vice-president

François Girard, treasurer

Roger Laplante, administrator

Annette Lefevbre, administrator

Margaret Mankin, administrator

Santokh Singh, administrator

Mavourneen Vickers, administrator

Marlene Yuen, administrator


Hugues LaForce, director
Kelly MacKenzie, associate director

Sonia Tessier, administrative support

Intervention team, housing


Made up of full-time and part-time workers, this team assures a 24/7 presence on the floor and on the telephone. Ten workers make up this team, and their role includes promoting a healthy routine, accompanying clients in concrete tasks, as well as ensuring the safety of the centre and its residents, maintaining regular clinical contact with clients, and offering punctual support when needed.



Intervention team, mobile


The role of the seven workers on this team is to meet with clients in the community or on the referral site (ex. hospital, community organization) to perform an evaluation of the crisis situation. After this initial evaluation, services are offered such as 24/7 telephone support, community follow-up, and/or a stay at the centre if pertinent.


Crisis services in the community consist of regular follow-up meetings with clients (either on a weekly basis or more often if required), as well as family meetings and/or meetings involving the long-term treatment network.



Please be advised that requests for services or exchanges with an interventionist are only possible by telephone. No interventions or counselling orientation shall occur through email.

For immediate assistance, please call (514) 483-3033

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