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What do you think of our services?



We would like to ask you to share your impressions and suggestions regarding Tracom’s services.  The information gathered will help us identify wich aspects of our services may need improvement.  You need only respond to the questions that apply to your situation and the services you received.  There is a section reserved at the end of the questionnaire where  any general comments may be included.


Please note that any information you share in filling out this evaluation will be treated with the utmost respect and anonymity.  There is no need to identify yourself or sign your name.


We would please ask that you return the completed questionnaire as soon as possible, using the pre-addressed, stamped envelope in which it was provided.


Thank you in advance for the time and interest you will invest in completing this questionnaire.



Please be advised that requests for services or exchanges with an interventionist are only possible by telephone. No interventions or counselling orientation shall occur through email.

For immediate assistance, please call (514) 483-3033

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